Life Coaching Peter Gourri Life Coaching Peter Gourri

Anxiety And That Sunday Evening Feeling!

Anxiety And That Sunday Evening Feeling! As I write this article, it is Sunday night; I have the football playing on my second computer screen, and I am thinking about Monday and what is on my list of things to do, my appointments, and other commitments. I’m busy, really very busy, and I also have to fit in a trip to the gym ......and I’m thinking about my vacation to Europe in a month’s time and, blah blah blah!

As I write this article, it is Sunday night; I have the football playing on my second computer screen, and I am thinking about Monday and what is on my list of things to do, my appointments, and other commitments.  I’m busy, really very busy, and I also have to fit in a trip to the gym ......and I’m thinking about my vacation to Europe in a month’s time and, blah blah blah!

You get the picture. It is all rather busy, and honestly, I don’t think anyone would hold it against me if I felt an itsy bitsy little bit overwhelmed, and yet I am very relaxed. In fact, not at all overwhelmed! 

So, it got me thinking about a time a decade ago when I still lived in London and worked as a lawyer in the City. It reminded me of conversations I had with fellow lawyer friends about their Sunday evenings and how they were frequently filled with anxiety. We were all the same. It would get to Sunday evening, and suddenly that feeling would hit like a truck. The joy and fun of what you did over the weekend suddenly halt. The worries and anticipation about the work week ahead and who or what would ruin your day first could overwhelm and beat every positive and joyful feeling from the weekend out of you. That assumes you were not working all weekend, which was so frequently the case! 

And honestly, even with the benefit of hindsight, it is still unclear whether many of those feelings were justified. Were they interpretations or facts? Do we just allow ourselves to fuel feelings of overwhelm and dread for nothing? We add anticipation to false interpretation allowing your mood to take a nose dive, so you start to feel the dread and associated feelings even without the justification to do so. 

So, everything becomes a problem. You look around your apartment, thinking about everything you failed to achieve. The lack of food in the place or, god forbid, clean socks or underwear! Then you check your work email because clearly, you need to add a little more fuel to the fire, and if you are not being irritable with those around you by this point, I’m really impressed!  I'll be even more impressed if you get much sleep after all that. Either that or you are telling fibs, but I won’t hold it against you. I get it; you are embarrassed.  So, please do me a favor and stop beating yourself up right now. 

So stop allowing yourself to get into a Sunday rut and start enjoying your weekend more.....In an ideal world, I suggest you relax more, adopt a healthy, preferably vegetarian style diet, sleep well, meditate, make healthy choices, get to the gym, then modern art galleries, and spend plenty of time organizing yourself……But really! Listen, I was a lawyer; I was always too busy with “important” things to do anything else, and I get it........

Every Sunday, I would make myself almost ill with anxiety at what was coming the following morning, let alone the week. With the best will in the world, any high-stress job is going to mean you have enough to think about, so in lieu of all of those fantastic healthy choices, which by the way, are really good ideas, just try taking it a bit easier and give yourself a break so you can try to get rid of those Sunday evening blues. You deserve to take baby steps to make significant changes to your life.

So here is the pitch, but it is not for sales; it’s a life-choice pitch! When you work with a life coach, they have been trained in skills and tools to help make your life better, and as someone who has been through the process of transformation with my own coaches over the last five years, trust me, it really does work!

When I partner with people, I encourage them to make project plans for significant areas in their lives to maintain clarity, momentum, and traction. I hold them to account without overwhelming them, and I support them. They suffer breakdowns as, ultimately, these can and frequently will lead to beautiful breakthroughs!  

So, as you read this on your Monday journey into the office, please take a moment to think about the message I am sharing with you. When I reflect on my past life and how I live now, I wonder what all the Hubba and wasted time worrying about silly things were about.

So, just to remind you, it’s Sunday evening. I am thinking about how busy my Monday and the rest of the week ahead are. I have so much going on! No problem.  I’ve got this all-in hand! Time to have a great night’s sleep. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to a stress-free productive week. 

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Life Coaching Peter Gourri Life Coaching Peter Gourri

Take a hike - For clarity and wellbeing!

As a business mentor and life coach, I encourage my clients to give themselves space and time in order to breathe and have the opportunity to take a step back and gain clarity. Sometimes we need to be completely separated from our business world and the stresses around us to remind ourselves what’s actually important and the results we are seeking to achieve.

As a business mentor and life coach, I encourage my clients to give themselves space and time in order to breathe and have the opportunity to take a step back and gain clarity. Sometimes we need to be completely separated from our business world and the stresses that around us to remind ourselves what’s actually important and the results we are seeking to achieve.

This week, try to give yourself some space think about what you want for your future plans whether that relates to your business or personal life. I find it helpful to start at the end, thinking where I want to be in 20, 10 or 5 years time and work backwards from there.

Hiking on the Rattlesnake trail at the Delaware Water Gap

Hiking on the Rattlesnake trail

at the Delaware Water Gap

On Sunday I went on a hike to the Delaware Water Gap which is on the border of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It was my first hike of 2021 and despite the fact that my Covid lungs were reminding me that it will take a little time to fully recover despite the fact that it’s already been nine months, I felt empowered, energized and overjoyed at being out in the wilderness.  Having the opportunity to push myself and to enjoy the outdoors which is where I’m usually happiest can help to give me clarity, empowerment and strength. Wellness is always key to a good life.

The temperature was -2 C and there was a fair bit of ice and mud around but nothing to be worried about, and absolutely worth it for the views and the fresh air. Being in the outdoors has been my go-to for joy and clarity my entire life. As a child and during my time in the RAFVR(T), I used to love having the opportunity to be out enjoying the outdoors for all that it gives us.

I continue enjoying my time outside and love being a volunteer with the New York/New Jersey Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club. They do such valuable work to promote the outdoors. I still have my various outdoor qualifications as well as extensive experience which I was lucky enough to have obtained in the United Kingdom. It is my intention to get out as often as I can to help me think and gain clarity for my best possible future life, which also involves a successful business.

So in conclusion of my post, I invite you to click on the link to my contact page so you or your friends, family or business associates can book a complimentary session with me. Many people find just one session with me gives them the opportunity to gain clarity which they’ve been seeking. There’s no commitment. It’s all about you and the power in your life, making either your business or your life successful. In the case of my clients it’s usually both. I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you. 

Views from the Ridgeline on the Rattle Snake trail at the Mohican Center at the Delaware Water Gap in New Jersey

Views from the Ridgeline on the Rattle Snake trail at the Mohican Center at the Delaware Water Gap in New Jersey

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